Hand drawn art created through the spirit of SOUL

What Happened Miss Simone?

As an admirer and fan of Miss Nina Simone, I cannot help but wonder what life was for people around her. She stood up for what she believed in, sometimes in the most unconventional way. She spoke her truth whether people liked it or not. She was real and raw
As quoted from her daughter Lisa Simone: “..people think Nina Simone’s persona appeared only when she performed, Nina Simone was always Nina Simone”, and that was the problem. This activist stood up for racism, injustice towards black people, and sang about the horrors in life. Some of these horrors, ironically continue to happen today. Check out the newest trailer of “What Happened Miss Simone”, premiering on Netflix Friday, June 26, 2015. It depicts her life during those tumultuous times, and life for those around her.

In honour of Nina Simone, Afrodelik has created a tshirt depicting the power that she resonates, and the true beauty of her honesty. Purchase yours here Available in MEN, WOMEN and KIDS style.

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